Servicing a Rolex: Everything You Need to Know

Are you the proud owner of a Rolex watch? As one of the most prestigious timepieces in the world, a Rolex requires proper maintenance and servicing to ensure it remains accurate and functioning for years to come. In this in-depth guide, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about servicing a Rolex, including the advantages and disadvantages, and answer some frequently asked questions.

What is Servicing a Rolex?

Rolex recommends that you have your watch serviced every 5-10 years, depending on the use and wear of the watch. Servicing a Rolex involves a thorough cleaning, inspection, lubrication, and calibration of the watch’s movement to ensure it is functioning accurately and reliably. This process can take several weeks and often requires sending the watch to an authorized Rolex service center or watchmaker.

Why is Servicing a Rolex Important?

Most high-end mechanical timepieces, including Rolexes, are designed to last for decades, but they require regular maintenance to ensure they remain accurate and functioning correctly. Over time, components can wear, oils can dry up, and the watch may become less accurate. Servicing a Rolex can help catch these issues before they become significant problems and keep the watch functioning correctly for years to come.

What are the Advantages of Servicing a Rolex?

1. Increased Accuracy: A properly serviced Rolex will keep time more accurately, ensuring that you’re always on schedule.

2. Increased Lifespan: Regular servicing can help extend the lifespan of your Rolex, ensuring that it continues to function for decades to come.

3. Improved Resale Value: Rolex watches have a high resale value, and a well-maintained watch will command a higher price on the secondary market.

What are the Disadvantages of Servicing a Rolex?

1. Cost: Servicing a Rolex can be expensive, and the cost can vary depending on the age, model, and condition of the watch.

2. Time: Servicing a Rolex can take several weeks, meaning you’ll be without your watch for an extended period.

3. Potential Damage: While rare, there is always a risk that a watchmaker can damage or scratch your Rolex during the servicing process.

The Servicing Process

The servicing process for a Rolex typically involves the following steps:

Step Description
1 Initial Inspection: The watchmaker will inspect the watch for any visible damage or wear and perform an initial assessment of its condition.
2 Disassembly: The watchmaker will disassemble the watch, removing the case, movement, and other components.
3 Cleaning: The watchmaker will clean each component of the watch using ultrasonic cleaners, solvents, and other methods to remove dirt, dust, and other debris.
4 Replacement: Any worn or damaged components will be replaced with new ones.
5 Lubrication: The watchmaker will lubricate the movement and other components to ensure they function smoothly.
6 Calibration: The watchmaker will calibrate the movement to ensure it keeps accurate time.
7 Reassembly: The watchmaker will reassemble the watch, ensuring all components are correctly aligned and functioning correctly.
8 Final Inspection: The watchmaker will perform a final inspection of the watch to ensure it is functioning correctly and accurately.


1. How Often Should I Service My Rolex?

A Rolex should be serviced every 5-10 years, depending on the frequency of use and wear.

2. How Much Does it Cost to Service a Rolex?

The cost of servicing a Rolex can vary depending on the age, model, and condition of the watch but typically ranges from $500-$1,000.

3. How Long Does it Take to Service a Rolex?

The servicing process can take several weeks, depending on the complexity of the watch and the workload of the watchmaker.

4. Should I Get My Rolex Serviced by an Authorized Dealer?

Rolex recommends that you have your watch serviced by an authorized dealer or watchmaker to ensure it is serviced correctly and to maintain the watch’s warranty.

5. Can I Service My Rolex Myself?

Rolex watches are complex and require specialized tools and knowledge to service correctly. We do not recommend attempting to service a Rolex yourself.

6. Can Servicing a Rolex Damage the Watch?

While rare, there is always a risk of damage during the servicing process. It is essential to research and choose a reputable watchmaker or service center to minimize this risk.

7. How Do I Know if My Rolex Needs Servicing?

If your Rolex is losing time, running erratically, or making unusual sounds, it may be time for servicing. It is also essential to have a regular maintenance schedule to catch potential issues early.

8. Can I Wear My Rolex While it’s Being Serviced?

No, once you send your Rolex in for servicing, it will not be available for wear until the servicing process is complete.

9. What Should I Do if I Damage My Rolex?

If you damage your Rolex or notice an issue, it is essential to have it inspected and serviced by a reputable watchmaker as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

10. Can Servicing My Rolex Improve its Resale Value?

Yes, a well-maintained and serviced Rolex will command a higher resale value on the secondary market.

11. Should I Service My Rolex Before Selling It?

Yes, servicing your Rolex before selling it can increase its resale value and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

12. Can I Service My Rolex While it’s Under Warranty?

Yes, you can have your Rolex serviced while it is under warranty, but it is essential to have it serviced by an authorized dealer or watchmaker to maintain the warranty.

13. How Can I Find a Reputable Watchmaker to Service My Rolex?

Research local watchmakers and service centers to find one with a good reputation and experience servicing high-end watches. Check online reviews and ask for references before selecting a service provider.


Servicing a Rolex is an essential part of owning one of the world’s most prestigious timepieces. While it can be costly and time-consuming, proper servicing can help extend the life of your watch and increase its resale value. Remember to have your Rolex serviced every 5-10 years, choose a reputable service provider, and take action to address any issues promptly.

Take Action Today!

If you own a Rolex, we encourage you to take action today and research authorized service providers in your area to ensure your watch stays in prime condition.

Closing Disclaimer

It is important to note that servicing a Rolex requires specialized skills and tools and should only be performed by an authorized dealer or watchmaker. Attempting to service a Rolex yourself or using an unqualified service provider could result in damage to the watch and void the warranty.