Is Your Rolex Running Fast? Here’s What You Need to Know


Greetings, fellow watch enthusiasts! If you’re reading this, you’re likely a proud owner of a Rolex timepiece, or perhaps you’re considering buying one. While Rolex is known for its precision and accuracy, even the most well-made watches can experience issues, such as running fast. In this article, we’ll explore why Rolex watches may run fast, the advantages and disadvantages of this issue, and what you can do to ensure your watch ticks like a Swiss-made timepiece should.

The Science Behind Watch Accuracy

Before we dive into the specifics of why your Rolex may be running fast, it’s helpful to understand the science behind watch accuracy. In a nutshell, a watch’s accuracy is determined by its frequency – or the number of vibrations it makes in a second. Most watches, including Rolex, rely on a balance spring to regulate this frequency and keep the watch running accurately. When a watch is running fast, it means that the frequency is higher than it should be, causing the watch to tick more frequently than it should.

Why Your Rolex May Be Running Fast

There are several reasons why a Rolex may be running fast. One common cause is over-winding – when the mainspring is wound too tightly, it can cause the watch to tick faster than usual. Additionally, changes in temperature or positioning can affect a watch’s frequency, leading to inaccuracies. Finally, if the balance spring is damaged or out of place, it can cause the watch to run fast or slow.

While some may view a running fast watch as a problem, there are actually some advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Rolex Running Fast


One potential advantage of a running fast watch is that it may actually keep better time in certain situations. For instance, if you’re flying across time zones or are in an area with a different altitude than you’re used to, a running fast watch can help you keep track of time more accurately. Additionally, a running fast watch may be desirable for those who like to live life on the fast track – after all, every second counts!


Despite some potential benefits, there are also several downsides to a running fast watch. Perhaps the most obvious is that it’s simply inaccurate. If you’re relying on your watch to keep you on schedule, a running fast watch can throw off your entire day. Additionally, a watch that’s running fast may be more prone to damage or wear and tear. Finally, a running fast watch may be a sign of a deeper issue with the watch’s mechanics that should be addressed by a professional.

How to Fix a Rolex Running Fast

If you’re experiencing a running fast watch, the good news is that there are several steps you can take to address the issue. First and foremost, it’s important to take your watch to a certified Rolex repair center or watchmaker. Attempting to fix the issue yourself can cause further damage and void your warranty. Once you’ve taken your watch for inspection, the watchmaker may need to adjust the balance spring or other components to restore accuracy.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid over-winding your watch and to keep it away from extreme temperatures or magnets, as these can also affect accuracy. Finally, consider investing in a watch winder or taking your watch for periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Table of Information

Issue Cause Solution
Running fast Over-winding, changes in temperature or positioning, damaged balance spring Take watch to certified repair center or watchmaker
Watch maintenance Lack of regular maintenance Invest in a watch winder or take watch for periodic maintenance


Q: Can I fix a running fast watch myself?

A: No, attempting to fix the issue yourself can cause further damage and void your warranty. Take your watch to a certified Rolex repair center or watchmaker.

Q: Can extreme temperatures affect my watch’s accuracy?

A: Yes, extreme temperatures can cause changes in frequency and affect a watch’s accuracy.

Q: How often should I take my watch for maintenance?

A: It’s recommended to take your watch for maintenance every 3-5 years to ensure optimal performance.

Q: Can a running fast watch cause damage to the watch?

A: Yes, a watch that’s running fast may be more prone to damage or wear and tear.

Q: Are there any advantages to a running fast watch?

A: Yes, a running fast watch may be beneficial in certain situations, such as when traveling across time zones.

Q: What causes a watch to over-wind?

A: Over-winding can occur when the mainspring is wound too tightly.

Q: How can I prevent my watch from running fast?

A: Avoid over-winding your watch and keep it away from extreme temperatures or magnets.

Q: What’s the best way to store my Rolex?

A: Store your Rolex in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

Q: Can a watch winder help prevent a running fast issue?

A: Yes, a watch winder can help keep the watch’s components moving smoothly and prevent over-winding.

Q: How can I tell if my watch is running fast?

A: You may notice that the watch is ticking faster than usual or that it’s consistently ahead of the correct time.

Q: How long does it take to fix a running fast watch?

A: The length of time it takes to fix a running fast watch depends on the specific issue and the watchmaker’s schedule. However, most repairs can be completed within a few weeks.

Q: Will fixing a running fast watch affect its value?

A: No, fixing a running fast watch should not affect its value.

Q: What should I do if my watch is consistently running fast?

A: Take your watch to a certified Rolex repair center or watchmaker for inspection and potential repair.


In conclusion, a running fast watch is a common issue that many Rolex owners may experience. While it has both advantages and disadvantages, it’s important to address the issue to ensure optimal accuracy and prevent potential damage. By taking your watch to a certified repair center or watchmaker and following best practices for watch care and maintenance, you can ensure that your Rolex ticks like a Swiss-made timepiece should.

Thank you for reading, and happy timekeeping!


This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always take your watch to a certified Rolex repair center or watchmaker for inspection and repair. Additionally, the information in this article may not apply to all Rolex models or situations – for specific questions or concerns about your watch, consult with a professional.